Sunday, September 2, 2012


It has been awhile! Poor neglected blog :( Anywho, since the last post I have finished up the pantomime shot and moved on to the one person dialogue shot.  Actually, at this point in time I'm almost done with the dialogue shot but there is a little progression reel below.  I decided to use a line of dialogue I had thought of last go around at Class 4.  It's Jimmy Stewart from The Philadelphia Story.  My thought with the line was that the character was a zombie who is reluctant to eat human flesh :) And you know that I love when my teachers agree with my off the wall ideas :D It makes me haapppeee! So! Here we go:

Finishing up the pantomime shot :) Not too shabby
Blocking for dialogue: first go around!
Revised blocking! ...nearly time to hit spliiine :/