Tuesday, September 27, 2011
It Is Time!
Class 2 has officially begun with tonight's Q and A. Got to meet my new fellow classmates (a couple of familiar faces), all of whom seem really awesome and enthusiastic about the program! Plus I got the most excellent of news: my mentor for this class is none other than Travis Tohill part deux! This presents a couple of noteworthy things: 1. It will be fun to continue with the same mentor as I know what he expects 2. He knows what I can do ...which means there is definitely no slacking off this class (not that I was going to anyway! promise!). I'm excited for this weeks first assignment (I think I've decided on doing a log roll animation) and for the assignments to come!! This is really where the character part of character animation starts to come out while also learning and exploring body mechanics! I can't wait :D Excelsior!
Monday, September 26, 2011
A Most Epic Adventure
I was fortunate enough for my first official class at Animation Mentor to have had an amazing mentor and former AM student who is holding his own at Industrial Light and Magic (a part of Lucasfilm Ltd.). Perhaps being in his first class as a mentor opened the door to a perk that is still unbelievable. The bet was made that if all the students in our little classroom (there was I believe 10+ students) could turn in all assignments on time, we would be fortunate enough to be granted a tour of ILM. Through hard work and a lot of nagging emails (not from me, I promise!) the last class came and we were all given the amazing news: a tour was indeed in our future! There was only one week of vacation between Class 1 and Class 2 and so we took advantage of that and made the tour on Friday, September 23rd. I could barely sleep Thursday night ...the nerves and anticipation really got to me and I could barely eat the next morning. A couple of more hours and I will be inside (in my opinion) the leading visual effects studio. It was too good to be true! I'm just this dorky kid from southern California, I shouldn't be allowed in such places! But there I was ...walking past the Yoda fountain (yes ...the YODA fountain) and into the lobby of Lucasfilm!
First things first: walking up to Building B off of Letterman Drive, one would have no idea of the amazing things that go on there. It's a set of two unassuming white buildings nicely settled on the outskirts of the Presidio. The only glimpse of what greatness lies within these buildings is the Yoda fountain out front. There is no grand sign or giant arrow with flashing lights ...just a Yoda fountain and some white buildings. But once you step inside, your nerd mind begins to freak out when the first things you are greeted by are Boba Fett and Darth Vader. A wide smile spreads across my face and I think to myself "nooope... this can't be REALLY happening". After a quick (and quiet) glance around, I make my way to the reception desk (where there is ((finally!)) a nice sized sign that indeed says Lucasfilm Ltd.) and try to act cool while getting my visitors badge. Inside though, I've completely lost it. I could scream and shout and jump around for all the excitement built up inside. But I don't ...I have to play it cooool. I get a couple of seconds to say hi and talk with my mentor Travis before a fellow classmate (from Washington I might add) makes it to the party. His geeking out makes up for my bottled up energy :) (ps: geeked out at the Han Solo blaster, not going to lie.)
The lobby looks like a quaint and normal lobby ... reception desk on one side, Boba Fett and Darth Vader on the other side. There are two bookcases on either side of the two figures as well as a display case nestled in the middle. The bookcases have some most random books on it (none really pertaining to Star Wars ...) as well as artifacts and busts from Star Wars (of course!). Yoda and Darth Vader's lightsabers are at home among Han Solo's blaster and a Thermal Detonator... yes. Feel free to geek out!! It was amazing to see and we hadn't even started the tour yet! (ps: Darth Vader is a BEAST)
After collecting another classmate, we proceed to the theater to watch a quick video of upcoming projects (aka: trailers) and to see the process of making a movie. Let me just say: you walk into that theater and it feels like you're wearing really, really, REALLY expensive headphones. You can't hear anything outside the theater and when you talk, it even sounds muffled. This only adds to the intense awesomeness that is the sound system at Lucasfilm. Oh. My. GOSH! The sound quality is amazing ...its loud without being annoyingly so and you can feel every explosion. It was intense to say the least! The picture quality was pristine and clear... I'll never see movie theaters the same way again. (ps: apparently that amazing experience is nothing compared to Skywalker Ranch and its amazing theater!).
We picked up the last of our little group (five of us plus mentor Travis) then it was on with the tour! ...oh wait ...no! Then it was on to the cafeteria!! It was, after all, about 1 o'clock at that point. No fear, the Lucasfilm cafeteria had AMAZING food at equally amazing prices. There were specials of the day, a pasta/pizza station, a grilling station, and a sandwich station (which also had sushi). I ended up getting a grilled chicken sandwich (came with tater tots ((fresh!)) and vegetables). We all sat to eat by the windows so we could (get this) look out and see the Golden Gate Bridge... That's right. THE Golden Gate Bridge. Unfortunately, it was rather foggy that day and all you could see where the tops of the bridge poking out from the fog ...but just knowing it was there was incredible. (ps: the cafeteria had baskets of fruits and vegetables that you could pick out and buy ((like produce at a market)) that was all grown at Skywalker Ranch!).
So then it was officially time for the tour! We made our way into the lair that is Lucasfilm. Walls are covered with vintage movie posters, paintings used in films, and photographs. There are also many display cases lining the halls that hold the likes of a T-Rex model from Jurassic Park, the progression of the T-1000, and Captain Hook's hook as well as models suspended from the ceiling (NSEA Protector from Galaxy Quest anyone?!). It's a veritable treasure trove of nerd-epic proportions. As we walk the halls (and gawk and stare) we run into Shawn Kelly, co-founder of Animation Mentor and all around amazing person. He chatted with us for only a bit as he had to ...you know ...go work on something awesome. The encounter was unexpected and surreal. I'd like to think anyone in the AM program looks up to Mr. Kelly (as well as Bobby Beck and Carlos Baena! I know I certainly do!) and to actually get to meet him was like meeting a celebrity. (ps: we actually saw him twice but got to chat with him once ....and we got to meet his baby :D adorableness all around!).
There were a couple of super geek out moments for me. First was when we went by the modeling department where we are greeted by ...THE SCOLERI BROTHERS! If you don't know who the Scoleri Brothers are, you need to click the link and then watch Ghostbusters 2 and educate yourself! It was an amazing site and I'm pretty sure I squealed when we walked into that room. Not only did we have the infamous Scoleri Bros. but we also had Slimer and the Viggo the Carpathian painting all in the same room! ...I'll wait for that to sink in a bit. Snoogins. My second geek out moment was in front of the entrance to the animator's space in front of actual ILM (versus Lucasfilm ...which was everything else). There was (of course) R2-D2, the actual Yoda puppet (or muppet?), a stormtrooper, and .....AND ..... HAN SOLO IN CARBONITE! I definitely squealed at the site of my Han in one of the most iconic props in cinema history ...it was glorious. (ps: there was actually another carbonite trapped character next to Han Solo ...Jar Jar Binks!)
We (quickly and quietly) made a pit stop at Shawn Kelly's corner of awesomeness in the animator's lair. It was COVERED (and I mean C-O-V-E-R-E-D) in action figures. Apparently it is the work of not just him but a couple of other animators all occupying the same corner. It was truly a site to behold!
And thus concluded a most epic adventure ...it was inspiring to see the people at work. Just normal people doing their normal job. A job in which ONE DAY I hope to be in. It was a fantastic day that I have to thank mentor Travis for!! I don't expect amazing perks like this with every mentor, but I think it was good for my soul and ambition to have had the taste of things to come :) I feel this year is going to be challenging (of course) but still so much fun!! I can't wait for the next step of this journey and cannot wait to see what the future brings! Excelsior!
First things first: walking up to Building B off of Letterman Drive, one would have no idea of the amazing things that go on there. It's a set of two unassuming white buildings nicely settled on the outskirts of the Presidio. The only glimpse of what greatness lies within these buildings is the Yoda fountain out front. There is no grand sign or giant arrow with flashing lights ...just a Yoda fountain and some white buildings. But once you step inside, your nerd mind begins to freak out when the first things you are greeted by are Boba Fett and Darth Vader. A wide smile spreads across my face and I think to myself "nooope... this can't be REALLY happening". After a quick (and quiet) glance around, I make my way to the reception desk (where there is ((finally!)) a nice sized sign that indeed says Lucasfilm Ltd.) and try to act cool while getting my visitors badge. Inside though, I've completely lost it. I could scream and shout and jump around for all the excitement built up inside. But I don't ...I have to play it cooool. I get a couple of seconds to say hi and talk with my mentor Travis before a fellow classmate (from Washington I might add) makes it to the party. His geeking out makes up for my bottled up energy :) (ps: geeked out at the Han Solo blaster, not going to lie.)
The lobby looks like a quaint and normal lobby ... reception desk on one side, Boba Fett and Darth Vader on the other side. There are two bookcases on either side of the two figures as well as a display case nestled in the middle. The bookcases have some most random books on it (none really pertaining to Star Wars ...) as well as artifacts and busts from Star Wars (of course!). Yoda and Darth Vader's lightsabers are at home among Han Solo's blaster and a Thermal Detonator... yes. Feel free to geek out!! It was amazing to see and we hadn't even started the tour yet! (ps: Darth Vader is a BEAST)
After collecting another classmate, we proceed to the theater to watch a quick video of upcoming projects (aka: trailers) and to see the process of making a movie. Let me just say: you walk into that theater and it feels like you're wearing really, really, REALLY expensive headphones. You can't hear anything outside the theater and when you talk, it even sounds muffled. This only adds to the intense awesomeness that is the sound system at Lucasfilm. Oh. My. GOSH! The sound quality is amazing ...its loud without being annoyingly so and you can feel every explosion. It was intense to say the least! The picture quality was pristine and clear... I'll never see movie theaters the same way again. (ps: apparently that amazing experience is nothing compared to Skywalker Ranch and its amazing theater!).
We picked up the last of our little group (five of us plus mentor Travis) then it was on with the tour! ...oh wait ...no! Then it was on to the cafeteria!! It was, after all, about 1 o'clock at that point. No fear, the Lucasfilm cafeteria had AMAZING food at equally amazing prices. There were specials of the day, a pasta/pizza station, a grilling station, and a sandwich station (which also had sushi). I ended up getting a grilled chicken sandwich (came with tater tots ((fresh!)) and vegetables). We all sat to eat by the windows so we could (get this) look out and see the Golden Gate Bridge... That's right. THE Golden Gate Bridge. Unfortunately, it was rather foggy that day and all you could see where the tops of the bridge poking out from the fog ...but just knowing it was there was incredible. (ps: the cafeteria had baskets of fruits and vegetables that you could pick out and buy ((like produce at a market)) that was all grown at Skywalker Ranch!).
So then it was officially time for the tour! We made our way into the lair that is Lucasfilm. Walls are covered with vintage movie posters, paintings used in films, and photographs. There are also many display cases lining the halls that hold the likes of a T-Rex model from Jurassic Park, the progression of the T-1000, and Captain Hook's hook as well as models suspended from the ceiling (NSEA Protector from Galaxy Quest anyone?!). It's a veritable treasure trove of nerd-epic proportions. As we walk the halls (and gawk and stare) we run into Shawn Kelly, co-founder of Animation Mentor and all around amazing person. He chatted with us for only a bit as he had to ...you know ...go work on something awesome. The encounter was unexpected and surreal. I'd like to think anyone in the AM program looks up to Mr. Kelly (as well as Bobby Beck and Carlos Baena! I know I certainly do!) and to actually get to meet him was like meeting a celebrity. (ps: we actually saw him twice but got to chat with him once ....and we got to meet his baby :D adorableness all around!).
There were a couple of super geek out moments for me. First was when we went by the modeling department where we are greeted by ...THE SCOLERI BROTHERS! If you don't know who the Scoleri Brothers are, you need to click the link and then watch Ghostbusters 2 and educate yourself! It was an amazing site and I'm pretty sure I squealed when we walked into that room. Not only did we have the infamous Scoleri Bros. but we also had Slimer and the Viggo the Carpathian painting all in the same room! ...I'll wait for that to sink in a bit. Snoogins. My second geek out moment was in front of the entrance to the animator's space in front of actual ILM (versus Lucasfilm ...which was everything else). There was (of course) R2-D2, the actual Yoda puppet (or muppet?), a stormtrooper, and .....AND ..... HAN SOLO IN CARBONITE! I definitely squealed at the site of my Han in one of the most iconic props in cinema history ...it was glorious. (ps: there was actually another carbonite trapped character next to Han Solo ...Jar Jar Binks!)
We (quickly and quietly) made a pit stop at Shawn Kelly's corner of awesomeness in the animator's lair. It was COVERED (and I mean C-O-V-E-R-E-D) in action figures. Apparently it is the work of not just him but a couple of other animators all occupying the same corner. It was truly a site to behold!
And thus concluded a most epic adventure ...it was inspiring to see the people at work. Just normal people doing their normal job. A job in which ONE DAY I hope to be in. It was a fantastic day that I have to thank mentor Travis for!! I don't expect amazing perks like this with every mentor, but I think it was good for my soul and ambition to have had the taste of things to come :) I feel this year is going to be challenging (of course) but still so much fun!! I can't wait for the next step of this journey and cannot wait to see what the future brings! Excelsior!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Class 1-Progress Reel
Looking back at those early animations I attempted to do, I feel that I've come a long way... well maybe not a LONG way but improvement nonetheless! I can only imagine what the progress reel will end up looking like at the end of this most excellent adventure! But until then: enjoy the Class 1 Progress Reel !! Did I mention the most excellent adventure coming up next week ? ....
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Zombie Ballie Wants Your SPLINES
Here it is!! The last week of Class 1. It's a bittersweet moment to say the least :( I've had so much fun (even through the frustrating times) and enjoyed watching everyone's work and progress! I've learned a lot also ...I feel like things are slowly starting to click into place. The Graph Editor is still enemy number 1 but it is definitely getting easier and easier to understand :) Travis has been a most excellent mentor and has given some awesome feedback that will most assuredly help me with future projects!! I've decided that I'm going to really make the effort to keep in touch with all my mentors! I think it's important ...I mean, they've devoted twelve weeks of their lives to helping you become a better animator. If nothing else, I figure a nice "how are you doing?!" or "oh man I'm SO happy you covered blah blah in your lecture or I would be lost!" might make them feel like their hard work was totally worth it also :) ...Which it totally is any mentor who may be reading this! Your hard work is TOTALLY WORTH IT! But yes ...I will be trying my darndest to keep in touch with my mentors :D
As for the last assignment: we had to spline the personality walk (tricky tricky tricky) and get it flowing nicely. I like how mine came out although I KNOW there's more work to be done on it. But still, all in all I feel good about it :) Below is the playblast of what I turned in. There was also another Stu pose (nay, the final Stu pose) showing Balance. After looking through yoga poses, dancing and gymnastics, I decided on one that kind of encompasses them all. Oh, and there's also a revised Exhausted Stu below that!!
I'm scared and excited to be moving on to Class 2!! I don't know what the future holds but I just gotta keep a positive attitude :D Excelsior!
As for the last assignment: we had to spline the personality walk (tricky tricky tricky) and get it flowing nicely. I like how mine came out although I KNOW there's more work to be done on it. But still, all in all I feel good about it :) Below is the playblast of what I turned in. There was also another Stu pose (nay, the final Stu pose) showing Balance. After looking through yoga poses, dancing and gymnastics, I decided on one that kind of encompasses them all. Oh, and there's also a revised Exhausted Stu below that!!
I'm scared and excited to be moving on to Class 2!! I don't know what the future holds but I just gotta keep a positive attitude :D Excelsior!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Something Wicked This Way Blocks
Last weeks assignment was to create a personality walk with the character Ballie. Now, it was a tough decision for me to choose what kind of walk I wanted to attempt but in the end, the zombies won out. After filming a whole eight minutes of myself walking (moon walk, zombie walk, peg leg walk, walking in high heels, drunk walk, etc) the zombie leg drag was the clear choice! We only needed to do the blocking for the walk so it looks fairly robotic but you get the idea of whats going on here. Below is the video I ultimately uploaded. After watching the critique by Travis, there are things that will be changed to plus it but this is more or less the idea I'm going for. The other half of the assignment was to pose the Stu character looking "exhausted". The premise for this shot was that Stu (or rather, Spider-Stu) is napping on a bridge as he is just too tired to fight any more crime! Enjoy! Updates will be posted later :D Excelsior!
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Spider-Stu, Spider-Stu! Does Whatever A Spider ....Do! |
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