Sunday, July 10, 2011

There's Something In The Water

Not sure what it is about tonight but I am psyched to be going into week 3 !! We've got quite the workload ahead of us and for once my procrastinating hasn't kicked in yet :D I watched the Lecture video on Planning and Blocking (good stuff!! I'll have to post some pointers later on), took some good notes and am ready to tackle the ball bounce! ....tomorrow! The second half of this weeks assignment is to sketch some EXCITEMENT poses and then pose Stu as such. I think I took this assignment to heart as I made a 40 second video of me "being excited" to which I already sketched out some ideas :D Bad news is I can't submit my sketch work until tomorrow! Boooo :( But I feel good knowing I've got a little something done already!! Enjoy the sketches below :D

 Edit: Here is also the Excited Stu pose :D

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