Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stay Puft! Or Else...

This weeks first assignment was to deal with shading/materials.  Up to this point the work in Maya has been rendered in a most dull shade of gray. This week we learned how to jazz it up with color and shading effects! My mentor went through the process of coloring each object which was easy enough.  The color scheme in my shot isn't extreme but gets the point across nicely.  I struggled trying to connect things together that weren't really being very cooperative but in the end, I think the (almost) final product came out to my satisfaction.  ((ps: Arnie the mentor also explained how to use the "glow" tool and make certain colors/objects glow in render!!)) Below is the render of my first attempt at shading and color ... you will see my awesome use of "glow"! I'm going to be adding more to this scene I think but so far so good! Huzzah!

Who You Gonna Call?

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